Instant help in a mental health crisis


Thanks to this ebook, you will learn how a crisis affects a person’s psychophysical functioning and how to help them, as the book presents all the techniques and methods of working with a crisis.


Thanks to this ebook, you will learn how a crisis affects a person’s psychophysical functioning and how to help them, as the book presents all the techniques and methods of working with a crisis.

A crisis is the feeling or experience of an event or situation as an unbearable difficulty, exhausting resilience resources, and disturbing coping mechanisms. If the person in crisis does not receive support, it can lead to serious affective, behavioral, and cognitive disorders.

This ebook will not only enlighten you on how crises can impact a person’s psychophysical well-being but also arm you with practical strategies and techniques for managing such situations. It’s an invaluable source of information that’s relevant in today’s unpredictable world.

This is more than just an ebook – it’s a lifeline. It provides an in-depth exploration of crises, presenting them as challenging events that can exhaust an individual’s resilience and disrupt their coping mechanisms. The knowledge gained from this book will empower you to provide the necessary support and help prevent the onset of serious affective, behavioral, and cognitive disorders in those experiencing a crisis.

With just a click of a button, you can add this essential ebook to your cart. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to navigate through crises effectively.


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